
Lung Cancer Causes and Diagnoses

Lung Cancer Causes and Diagnoses

Early detection of cancer can increase the success of the treatment process. Here are some tests that can be done to make sure the cancer diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Causes and Diagnoses
  • Examination of the sputum. Phlegm cough when we spend can be checked in the laboratory with microscopes. Sometimes this examination can be used to see if there are cancer cells in the lungs.
  • Imaging tests. The first diagnosis to lung cancer typically use x-rays. X-ray imaging of the lungs can show a tumor there is. If the x-ray of suspected there were lung cancer, further tests need to be done to verify it.
  • A CT Scan can show abnormal small that can not be seen with x-ray. By utilizing a CT scan, clearer imaging and detail can be obtained.
  • PET-CT scans can show the location of an active cancer cells. Imaging is performed if inspection results with CT Scan showed there were cancer cells at the early stage.
  • Biopsy or sampling of lung tissue. This procedure is done after a test showed that there is imaging and cancer cells in the breast. The doctor will take a sample of cells from the inside of the lungs.
Staging of lung cancer:
  • Stage 1. Cancer still is inside the lungs and has not spread to lymph nodes in the vicinity. The magnitude of the tumor at this stage is still under 5 cm.
  • Stage 2. Tumor size is more than 5 cm. But regardless of its size, the tumor can be said to be entering stage 2 If the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, muscles and surrounding tissue, and respiratory (bronchial), cancer causes lungs collapsing (constrict), there is more than one small-sized tumor in one lung.
  • Stage 3. At this stage, there are cancer cells that have spread to lymph nodes that are far away from the lungs or cancer invaded other important parts of the body such as the esophagus (esophagus), trachea, or major blood vessels in the heart.
  • Stage 4. The cancer had already spread to both lungs or other organs of the lungs such as the brain and heart. In addition, it can be categorized in 4 stages of cancer causing fluid buildup in the lungs.
Lung cancer causes :

  • Active smokers and passive smokers
    About 80-90 percent of cases of lung cancer caused by smoking habit. The active smokers into groups that are most at risk. Smoke smoked, contains over 60 toxic substances that can trigger the development of cancer. These toxic substances as carcinogenic. For example, nicotine used in insecticides and tar that is used in the manufacture of asphalt streets.

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    At first, this damage can be repaired by the body. But repetition and sustainability of smoking causes damage to lung tissue continues to grow. This resulted in damage to the cells react abnormally to finally appeared the cancer cells.
  • Exposure in the workplaceSome work has the possibility to be associated with increased risk of developing lung cancer. Employees affected by exposure to some chemical compounds are carcinogenic, such as asbestos, nickel, coal, silica, and arsenic have a higher risk for suffering from lung cancer.
  • Radiation ExposureRadon is a part of the air we breathe. Radon is a radioactive gas that emerges naturally. This gas comes from rocks and soil in a very small amount.
    This radon gas can move through the soil. This gas will go into the home through Foundation cracks, pipes, drains or other open pit. This gas can be tested with a simple testing tool, because the radon gas is both invisible and odorless. If inhaled, radon gas can damage the lungs, especially for a smoker.
  • Air PollutionThe risk of developing lung cancer will increase if we are exposed to air pollution exposure for example smoke from vehicles or smoke factory. About one out of 100 deaths due to lung cancer due to high pollution levels. Smoke inhalation or from the vehicle manufacturer's disposal could have the same impact as passive smoking.

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